(Mark Borthwick)(Abandom Reverie`)

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Tokyo: Taka Ishii Gallery Photography / Film, 2014
Condition: New, 25.7x19.5cm, 152pages, Hardcover

Abandom Reverie` Borthwick’s first solo exhibition at Taka Ishii Gallery Photography / Film, will feature slide presentations, in which the artist has reconstructed his photographs by combining them with his music and poetry (read by artist Hanayo). The slide shows juxtapose his photographic works, which he makes by chasing after light and incorporating the results it produces by chance, with his poetry, which seem to naturally pursue the truth of life. The slide presentation allows Borthwick to add another layer of light to his images and share his worldview with viewers. The light, which emerges from the dark, gradually transforms into colorful images. As if of their own volition, the images change, and eventually the room quietly returns to darkness.